Community health and wellness is a growing concern. From small towns to magor cities, there is a crisis of
health in a large portion of the population. Many organizations have attempted to curtail this trend, and
intervene on a population that may not be receptive and may not have access to effective methods of
health improvement.

OpenTrak is implementing HealthTrak as a way to centralize and visualize all of the data surrounding the
health and health interventions of a population. Using OpenTrak's eight Integrated Products, along with
a discrete platform for health and nutrition management, leaders and healthcare providers can see a complete
picture of a community's health status.
The Benefits of HealthTrak
- Cost effective
- Highly customizable
- Visualization overlays of latest information on maps
- Real time view of local health status
- Simplified intervention tracking
- Compatible with current patient tracking systems
- Confidential and fully secure interface